Laser Listening Defeat System

Originally developed to counter Audio Laser Measurement surveillance devices, the Laser Listening Defeat System will distort Infra Red sound readers, microwave bounce technology, as well as audio microphones.  The LLDS-2000 protects the user against listening devices that are not detectable by conventional methods. LLDS 2000 blocks Infra-Red & Laser Monitoring surveillance equipment.

With the LLDS 2000, the user is able to produce a security blanket of generated noise completely covering private conversations with sound that is unintelligible.  The LLDS 2000 is an excellent addition to HSS Electronic Countermeasures or can stand alone to provide perimeter protection.

An acoustic adapter is included (built into a transductor in the form of a transducer) with the LLDS 2000 for coupling walls, ceilings, air ducts, plumbing, windows, etc.