Power Selectable Jammer

Power Selectable Jammer

The Power Selectable Jammer MS-3 is designed to jam mobile phones for small to medium sized commercial applications, giving the user the ability to increase and decrease the power output. The MS-3 Power Selectable Jammer has an output power of 4 watts, which will effectively block cellular phone signals up to 15m +, depending upon operating conditions. Some of our RF Jammers are built with an internal synchronization module interfaced with a sensitivity control feature. That is feature that enables the user to control the output level of RF Jamming. Built for RF jamming in the consumer, executive, and diplomatic sectors, our cell phone jammer targets not only cellular mobile phones, but GSM listening devices and cellular transmitters hidden in conference rooms, office environments, consulates, embassies, hotel rooms, and other buildings. With superior design, the Power Selectable Jammer keeps your meetings private from gsm transmitters, cellular eavesdropping devices, as well as unauthorized mobile phones.