Cellular Interceptor CC2800X1

Cellular Interceptor CC2800X1

Most Cellular Interceptor platforms possess 4 to 8 Channel capacities to manage system resources during interception. The CC2800X1 starts with a minimum 16 Channel allocation for Cellular Monitoring. This standard intercept solution (our most basic version) is effective and sensitive enough to acquire conversations at extended ranges. The CC2800X1 employs a proprietary interception application that is 100% Narrow-band technology, with optimized sensitivity that can extract cellular communications "off the air".

As an alternative to wide band receiver – partial narrow band receiver telemetry found in other cellular interceptors, the cc2800X1 is truly a Narrow Band system. It is made of proprietary and sensitive receiver boards using direct filtration of the spectrum. This yields a sensitive acquisition of communications, be they voice and/or voice data.

Exclusive features of our Cellular Interceptor model CC2800X1 include:

  • Class Mark Alteration: A proprietary process used to enhance Decipher Load Reduction for fast decryption yielding real-time results.
  • UMTS Interception without brute force jamming.
  • Directional Antenna Option for focal point mission monitoring.
  • Dynamic Allocation of Receiver Resources.
  • Self Learning Capable: A unique self-learning mode our software engineers have created, enabling our system to ‘recognize’ cellular architecture patterns used to acquire targets in multiple environments with precision capability.
  • Emergency Data Purge: Allows the operator to eliminate all interception records and history security details should the system fall into unauthorized hands.
  • Cellular Detection: Automated Signal Strength Processing
  • SMS Interception including universal language processing

For more features and options, Contact Us by filling out the form on this page.

What makes the CC2800X1 unique? Aside from its valued precision performance, the support aspects are very much appreciated by Government users. Remote support variables include Network Analysis, Remote Diagnostics and upgrade capacities. Should a user require assistance, HSS is there to help make intelligence gathering simple and efficient.

For more information on the Cellular Intercept functionality or performance factors, you may Contact Us for documentation on our systems, read how our Cellular Intercept compares to other competitors, or visit us for a Demonstration.